Don't know why today feel extremely TIRED + SLEEPY
maybe is today I had ran too many places
or maybe is me lack of sleep~~@@
because of I AM HUNGRY!!!
I slept at around 2am something
but woke up at around 3am something
just because of me is HUNGRY!!!
At that moment
I just feel HUNGRY
I woke up to eat a piece of bread
then continue sleep again~~ zZz
isn't weird?!
YA!!! I think so..xD

After class meet them again~~
because of my friend had lost her phone
so we accompany her to pragin
for asking the prices of phones
At last she didn't buy any phone
but we had changed to SHOPPING!!!
A girl which just came back from AUSTRALIA
had bought many~~(DENG!!! Don't kill me ya..xD)
But still THANKS her that had sponsor half of the price
for me to buy a new black dress
she said that this dress will be my this year
hahax..btw THANKS!! ^^

u this yen peng, always spend mre then dress already still want to buy..
ReplyDeletehapyprinces: it and got ppl sponsor half le..
so ma bought it lo..xD