Monday, June 1, 2009

I had RESIGN!! ^^

I had just cover up my job to another new assistance

This means that i had RESIGN!!

Sounds like RELIEF but still not so willing to go

I think my feeling is 50% Happiness but also 50% Sadness

Happiness is because i have more time to spend

Sadness is because i have to left all the kids there

They are CUTE and INNOCENT

Although sometimes they will make u angry

but you will just forget it and forgive them


Because they are still KIDS

Still maintaining their INNOCENT & CUTENESS

They no need to think about work or others problems

Just live in a very PEACEFUL & SIMPLE life

I think their main PRESSURE is just from STUDY

They have to study around 8 subjects since Standard 1

PITIFUL right?!

Really MISS them a lot!!! ^^


  1. si gui.. u curi my pic!
    i just updated the samething.. but not resigned.. is going to resign
    but miss them leh

  2. Aisling:
    I where got steal your pic wor?!
    Is you send me d
